Thursday, January 12, 2012

Busy Day

I think today has been one of the busiest days I have had in a long time. It started with taking the Kid and his best friend to school, then off to work for me. They didn't have tennis this morning due to semester exams. I am still trying to get used to a school systems that does semester exams AFTER Christmas break. The concept is so weird to me. So, the kid has a half day of school today and tomorrow. Anyways, I was off to work to await the start of the Lifeway VBS Preview which is being hosted by TABC. Lifeway has taken over the church. For the past few days we have helped get this event set up and ready to launch. I will take lots of pics to share. Lifeway goes all out for these events. It is really exciting and gets people ramped up to start planning a church's biggest summer activity. This year's theme is Amazing Wonders Aviation.The big stuff starts tomorrow and I am ready.
However, today I left work at noon to go pick up the kid for a meeting with the youth pastor at TABC. It was time for the kid to tour the youth areas and talk to the pastor about any questions he may have about switching churches. (For the past year and a half, we have attended a church close to home while I worked in the Children's Ministry Department at another church. It was hard for me to split myself between two churches, so now we are making the switch.) The kid did well. He is high functioning autistic and has anxiety issues with new and unfamiliar situations. He only acted out a few times and it was all towards me. He would cover my eyes and give me bunny ears. You could definitely tell he was anxious/nervous about the tour and meeting new people, but he did pretty awesome. After the tour, we had to go back towards the house to buy my school books. $324.00 later, I had my books for this semester. After acquiring my books, we went to meet the hubs in downtown Fort Worth for an early dinner. We ate at Pie Five Pizza. We each got our own personal pizza. I got a veggie pizza which included artichoke hearts, 3 types of olives, tomatoes, roasted peppers and onions and feta cheese. Feast your eyes upon the yumminess:

Finally, we are home and I get spend some time with the family and enjoy a restful evening.

1 comment:

  1. Taking exams AFTER the Christmas break IS weird.
    Talk about ruining Christmas! Way to go, school district!

    Your pizza looks yummy.
